With more than 20 years of research behind us, we know The Watch House is the answer to public safety and sex offender management because there is no known cure. Check back often to share in our updated progress.
NEW RESEARCH! Independent businessman Gerry Moore selected Corona Research to survey sex offender management professionals and their opinions of current options for the management and treatment of convicted adult sex offenders. Respondents also provided feedback on a proposed long-term residential project. We are pleased with the results - 88 percent of respondents reacted positively to this project. Please review Corona’s findings and discover why The Watch House is the best solution to address the problem of where sex offenders can live.
Reoffense Rates
Treatment Effectiveness
Criminal Justice "Funnel" chart
Recidivism Rates: Graph
The Business of Sex Offender Management
Bill for Sentencing Release for Low Risk Sex Offenders
Home Rule Challenge
Site Selection
If you are interested in further research or white papers, please e-mail us at info@thewatchhouse.org.